Would you like to donate money to the National Scholarship Fund? Click on the link below to make a single donation to support our Scholarship Fund and Our Queens/Kings in continuing there education.

Become A Sponsor
Sponsorship is the fastest growing form of marketing in the U.S.! Sponsorship provides a means of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company's image, prestige, and credibility by supporting events that your target market finds attractive. It is an excellent way of increasing brand awareness, which helps generate consumer preference, foster brand loyalty, create positive PR, and raise awareness of your organization.
PLATINUM - $1000.00 Donation of Goods or Services
Sponsor will be placed on our Facebook page, Website and have a 2 Full Page Ads in the National Program
Sponsor will receive a Plaque presented onstage at the National Pageant
Admission for 2 to the National Pageant
Dinner for two at the National Pageant Dinner and Banquet
GOLD- $500.00 Donation of Goods or Services
Sponsor will be placed on our Facebook page, Website and have a 1 Full Page Ads in the National Program
Sponsor will receive a Plaque presented onstage at the National Pageant
Admission for 1 to the National Pageant
Dinner for one at the National Pageant Dinner and Banquet
SILVER- $ 250.00 Donation of Goods or Services
Sponsor will be placed on our Facebook page, Website and have a 1 Full Page Ad in the National Program
Sponsor will receive a Plaque presented onstage at the National Pageant
Admission for 1 to the National Pageant
BRONZE- Any donation less than $250.00
Sponsor will be placed on our Facebook page, Website and have a 1/2 Page Ad in the National Program
· As an official sponsor of the Pageant, I agree to provide the goods or services as prizes listed on my sponsorship agreement.
· I understand that Prizes are deemed cash-value gift certificates for goods or services or physical goods.
· I agree to provide documentation to the National Office to confirm the value of said prizes.
· I agree that all prizes or gift certificates must be given to the National Office no later than two weeks before the National Pageant
· I will submit my flyer or logo to the director and only be allowed to advertise the services I am sponsoring
· I understand that if my business or company is found to be unfavorable and at risk of tarnishing the organization's reputation, the state director reserves the right to terminate agreed sponsorship.
· I agree to all the terms and conditions set forth by the national office; failure to comply may result in termination of approved sponsorship.
· I understand that this contract expires the day after the National Pageant.
· Both parties represent and warrant that they can legally sell the product(s) and/or service(s) offered for barter and their assigned agents or dealers and have full power to make this agreement. They also represent and warrant that the product(s) and/or service(s) do not infringe on any statutory copyright or common law rights, proprietary rights, or any other rights whatsoever.
· Sponsor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the National Pageant, its officers, trustees, agents assigns, and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, losses, liabilities, and costs, including attorneys' fees, arising out of any alleged breach of the preceding warranties or any suspected violation of the contract.